Roudnická lobkovická knihovna : jazykově italské tisky 1501-1800 = Biblioteca dei Lobkovic in Roudnice : edizioni stampate in italiano 1501-1800 /

Main Author: Kašparová, Jaroslava, 1952-
Language: Italian
Published: Praha : Národní knihovna, 1990-1995
Series: Soupis historického fondu. Staré tisky
Physical Description: 10 sv., obr. příl. : il., faksim. ; 21 cm
Subscribed volumes: 1-10
Language note: Souběžný italský text, anglické resumé
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Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 10, Rejstříky 3 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 9, Rejstříky 2 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 8, Rejstříky 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 7, T-Z, Dodatky 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 6, P-S 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 5, M-O 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 4, Gua-L 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 3, D-Gr 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 2, Bon-C 2-0965.227
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SL3 Sv. 1, A-Bon 2-0965.227