Codices deperditi : średniowieczne rękopisy łacińskie Biblioteki Narodowej utracone w czasie II wojny światowej /

Main Author: Kaliszuk, Jerzy, 1973-
Language: Polish
Published: Wrocław : Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii, 2016
Series: Dziedzictwo Kulturowe po Skasowanych Klasztorach
Physical Description: 4 svazky : faksimile ; 24 cm
Subscribed volumes: 1-2/1,2/2-3
Language note: Anglické resumé
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Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SC4 Tom 3 2-1466.957
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SC4 Tom 2/2 2-1466.957
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SC4 Tom 2/1 2-1466.957
Reference only to Manuscripts and Old Prints rading room.
On Shelf
Manusripts and Old Prints
SC4 Tom 1 2-1466.957